5 Ways to Maintain Peace During the Holidays

“Nothing is more expensive than your peace. Protect it at all costs.”

It was a Sunday not unlike most Sundays. Worship had gone on for an hour and we had transitioned into hearing the speaker for the morning. This phrase I had heard countless times before, but this time it strong somewhere deep within me. It was a ping that caused a pause and thoughtful deliberation within.

As this holiday season approaches, it’s easy to lose your peace. For some the idea of being around extended family brings up stress. For others it’s simply looking to the lives of others where comparison can quickly rob us of joy. And for many where I live, it means finding contentment with your friends who have become like family rather than being able to afford a trip home for Christmas. During this month, it’s easy to allow busy schedules, festivities, and wish lists to take away the peace that you so desperately need for the season.

Tonight as I write this post, I gaze deep into the Christmas tree and take a deep breath. As I do I’m reminded of the giver of my Peace. The peace I maintain is found in his person. He is greater than any circumstance or any moment you might find yourself in this holiday season. Past the packages with bows, sweet treats, flights home, or dinner parties, my relationship with him is what gives the Christmas season meaning.

Here are 5 Ways I’ve found to Maintain Peace during the Christmas Season.

1. Stay disciplined with your early morning routine.

Whether it’s a workout, time with your journal and your bible, or finding solace in a warm cup, embrace your routine and the moments of quiet in the beginning of your day. There is always plenty to do during the month of December. Allow yourself moments of rest and self-care. This is a month where the long haul is important.

2. Give your body what it needs.

While sugar is great, your body is probably craving some extra nutrients this time of year. Whether it means picking up a frozen yogurt topped with fruit, drinking a smoothie in between a flight, or skipping the second round of drinks, make wise choices with your food and give your body the nutrition it desperately craves.

3. Learn how to practice self-care.

Self care doesn’t necessarily mean pampering, chocolate, or #treatyoself days. Rather it means saying no to the things that fill your schedule mindfully. It means replacing busyness with what has meaning, resonates with your core values, and items of significance. It means taking a moment to pause, steady your breath, and ask your heart what it needs in this season. Sometimes it means staying in, decompressing from a screen, and slowing down. Other times it means connecting yourself with the relationships and things that give you life.

4. Boundaries are your friend.

This season you probably have a list of social obligations that you should go to. Things you that aren’t your top priority but in the name of being festive, it’s something else to add to the calendar. On top of that there’s the adulting responsibilities- medical appointments, enrollment for health insurance, and for us, the yearly trip to the DMV. Give yourself permission to not do everything listed in a Hallmark movie and embrace your time of to rest and reflect as you move into a fresh year.

On the topic of boundaries, know what you boundaries in conversation and conflict with extended family looks like prior to arriving. A resolve to choose kindness and love before any conflict may ensue will prepare you for any gathering, regardless of the interaction and questions a distant relative might ask.

5. Find ways to decompress and erase your own expectations.

How do you relax and decompress? What are some ways to quickly get your list of holiday to-dos done quickly? What can you outsource? And what are the traditions you’re willing to invest in? In our family, holiday shopping has gone online and we prioritize activities everyone can enjoy prior to arrival rather than commuting into the city constantly. It values time and memories with one another rather than a calendar full. Learn to live with healthy expectations and embrace with grace when they aren’t met.

How do you maintain peace during the holiday season?

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