I grew up as a child going to a church where Advent was a common practice. In a busy holiday season, it was a tradition where candle by candle we were reminded of a holy rhythm. It brings to our souls the need for a sacred pause, choosing to focus past a hurried life and instead pursue the very nature of the Christmas holiday itself.
In the common tradition, each week we focus on a theme and light a candle focusing on a particular theme and character within the the Nativity. This year, I wanted to reintroduce this concept to the blog. Many of millennials who profess faith have long forgotten this tradition or simply never embraced it for ourselves. Every Monday of December, we will share a fresh theme for advent. A moment to pause on Jesus, to fix our eyes on his kindness, love, and sacrifice. There’s nothing more beautiful than the incarnation to our story of fatih. This week, we discuss embracing the wait.
Come thou, long expected Jesus. It comes with a simple flip of a page. Looking at the pages of the Bible there’s a switch of the Old to the New Testament. However, there’s an essential element, a span of time. With the flip of the page, 400 years lapses. 400 hundred years where God is silent. We all have seasons of waiting and transition that feel less than productive. Recently I’ve found myself in moments where waiting on breakthrough has been heart wrenching at best. There have been tears, moments of desperation, and questions of why. Where dreams have been unfulfilled and I bring to the Lord what feels like feeble questions, waiting for answers.
As we begin this advent season, how do I respond to the moments of waiting that God has placed in my life? IN THE WAITING How do I respond to waiting in the mundane moments? The moments where I try to be faithful and obedient, yet it seems as if my Father is silent. Though He is not far off, how do I respond to the desert seasons that feel vast and endless. How do I respond when I am in moments of crisis, where I am crying out for breakthrough and hearing nothing. As I look upon the blank page in my Bible symbolizing the 400-year gap, I find my heart encouraged. I’m encouraged that my dear God could even speak and strengthen my heart in the deafening silences. I’m encouraged that there is yet another moment in Scripture where my waiting is permitted. A moment where the Lord’s love and patience is with me and leads me to the next season. A moment where I can grapple hard truths and know that it is perfectly fine to just be with Him. For all of these reasons, I have incredible hope and reason to celebrate. Wherever you find yourself this Advent season, may you discover new facets of the Lord’s heart and the truth he longs to reveal to you in the waiting.
5 I wait for the Lord, I expectantly wait, and in His word do I hope. 6 I am looking and waiting for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, I say, more than watchmen for the morning. -PSALM 130:5-6 (AMP)
Read Luke 1.
For more, download Advent: A New Liturgy, a free e-book to guide your spiritual practice and grow your faith this Christmas season.