Grateful Printable

Over the years, we’ve set countless tables. They’ve been filled with different faces, seasons of life, and choosing intentionality every time. There have been moments of sacrifice and also some moments of incredible beauty. However, more than anything this is one of my favorite traditions to date. More than the turkey, the stuffing, or a day lingering in the kitchen, this is tradition I hope that will carry on for years to come. Every individual that comes to our thanksgiving table receives one of these. It’s simply a Thank You card. Not for coming, but rather for who they are and what they bring to the table. It’s their laugh that’s infectious, the moments of inexplicable kindness, or simply a willing heart to serve. As I watch eyes glance over penned words (often scribbled in between making course earlier in the day), there’s a simplicity and beauty as appreciation and affirmation is given.

grateful printable

If there’s one gift I could give you this holiday season, choose to find moments like this. Moments of authenticity, moments of giving love, and choosing intention. May you embrace slow over perfect. May you find thankfulness and ditch the hurried life. Breathe it all and and find yourself grateful again.

Download this year’s printable here. 

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