Hello 28

Every year, I write a post to commemorate the mark of turning a year older. In the past, some years of aging have been celebrated with welcome arms. This year, it feels a little different and a bit more scary. There’s something about 28. You’re no longer in your early twenties bright eyed and full of possibilities. It’s no longer a birthday in a nomadic season of life or in college where the world felt at your doorstep. 28 is in the parking lot of 30. This sounds serious and all too close for comfort. Something that is exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. What the year holds, the opportunities that await, and what will fill my days? I have some ideas, but also know they are full of possibility.

When your birthday is at the beginning of the year, your goals for turning a year older tend to be that of 2016. It is easy for me to become overly introspective this time of year. Reflecting, goal setting, and finding myself far too inside my head. As I think upon my 27th year, it was one where I was proud of myself. More than anything, it was a year where I learned and forced myself to step out and risk. There was huge power in believing in myself, risking to be known and vulnerable to others, and placing trust in people again. It was a year full of healing and hard work, but one that had plenty of reward. These are goals I hope to continue to grow in. As I head toward 30, I want to be more intentional, figure this small business thing out, and begin planting stronger roots. I know I want to love people around me as much as I possibly can, reminding people that they matter and have tremendous value. There is huge power in having people chose you, one that is unprecedented and keeps friends for the long-haul. Choice is a huge gift and one that I feel privileged to give to others.

Another goal this year? I’m trying to figure out balance between moving forward and a life that is incredibly full. The times where I’m not working right now are few and far between. There are many mornings when I sleep in for another 30 minutes and find when I wake up, not feeling refreshed, but anxious, behind, and guilty. Not a good thing when it’s 7:30 in the morning. I need to figure out how to value play a bit more as an adult. I love to laugh, have fun, and sharing these moments and memories with others in my life. How do I incorporate play in my work and throughout my day? It’s something I’m trying to figure out. Dance parties? Big hugs? Breaks throughout the day? Something’s gotta give.

What do I want for my birthday? Really a bit of space, celebration, and peace of mind. To share a bit of life with those I love and discovering new spaces that make my heart come alive.

Still want to know what you can actually give me? This year I’m heading to L.A. as a part of my school. You can help support me by making a donation here. Just enter my name Melissa Jones.


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