Hello there!

first post, hello there, intro postHello there!

Today is one that has been dreamed about for years. I’m launching this blog, Glisten and Grace. In the land of hundreds of lifestyle blogs, I wondered if I would have anything to contribute. I have frequently hesitated to start out of fear. I would look up to others in the industry who were incredibly talented and would measure my “start” to their years of experience. Fearful, I let these voices and thoughts keep me from finding my voice and beginning to create. It was through a change in season and locations that I overcame these fears and finally began to pursue my dream of blogging.

Over the years I have learned that living well takes practice and loads of intentionality. In the land of Pinterest perfect images and a constant influx of a new standard of perfectionism, I thought an honest approach to life, one that can be lived beautifully and simply, is much needed. The kind of life where we could all permit ourselves the grace to know that we, too, may never live in the land of perfect. There’s incredible beauty in acknowledging where we are, learning lessons, and moving forward.

So here’s to embracing our little quirks, nuances, details, and the incredibly mundane moments. And here’s to permitting ourselves the grace for improvement, dreaming dreams again, to taking little steps forward, stargazing, beautiful conversations, great cups of coffee, midnight dance parties, big bear hugs, and savoring the small, seemingly minute moments that provide purpose and meaning to our lives.

Thanks for embarking on this adventure. I’d love to connect with you through social media, so feel free to follow me for sneak peeks and posting updates!

With bunches of grace,


image taken by Jill Grove

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