Overcoming Obstacles

This summer has been one of looking at obstacles and overcoming them. Maybe you’ve found yourself in the same place. I don’t know what the obstacles have looked like for you. Maybe it’s wanting life to be more than the 9-5, knowing you still have to keep the day job rather than pursue the dreams you desire. Maybe you see the “picture perfect” family across the street, and long for your reality to look more like the pretty pictures they display, rather than what lies before the lens of your eyes. Maybe you’re fighting, for yourself, for your family, for your marriage, and for those dreams and ambitions of your heart that lay corked deep inside, waiting to explode.

Whatever the obstacle is, you can face them. You have the ability and the power to do so. As a matter of fact, like Glinda says, you’ve had the power all along. Here are a few ways I’ve learned to overcome obstacles along the way.

Sing along the journey.

It is easy to look at the obstacle before you and make it big. Larger than life, an all-consuming monster of your mind. Before you know it, your obstacle is the size of the Incredible Hulk. I’ve learned that finding spontaneous joy, happiness, and simple pleasures is incredibly helpful in the journey. Whether it’s singing, dance parties in the kitchen, or cultivating gratitude in my life, it helps me maintain a rightful perspective. This summer money has been a bit tighter than I would like to admit. With a few unexpected expenses and new payments, I found myself living on a tight budget. It was easy to find myself bored and without much to do. Instead, I took my spare time and started being thankful for what I did have. Whether it was fresh lattes at home in the morning, a delicious breakfast, or the views of the mountains on my morning runs, I found my heart singing and not determining my value of life based on the digits in my bank account.

Make sure to pack light.

When I go on a trip, I try to pack light. Particularly when backpacking or going on road trips I try to be strategic in the ways that I pack items and what I pack. Funny how when it comes to obstacles, our mind rarely has a singular focus. Let’s be honest- I would rather think about anything but the challenge set before me. Yet, my job is to stand up to the obstacles, have a strategy, and keep on climbing.

Find a good buddy.

Support systems are invaluable. There is no price that can be placed on community when facing challenges that life brings. Trying to do it alone will leave you exhausted, confused, and still staring at the obstacle before you. Be willing to be vulnerable with those closest to you and develop a support system to walk alongside you on this journey.

Have a compass.

My faith is something that always keeps me grounded. It helps me determine the way I should and provides a constant peace regardless of the journey. As I look at the obstacles in my life, I look to scripture for the best perspective on the situation and to remind me that I can overcome the fears, insecurities, and the situations that life throws at me.

Don’t be overwhelmed. Whether it’s career direction, fighting for new vision, or a bleak financial picture, the obstacles before you that look like mountains can become rather small. In the words of Glinda, “You’ve always had the power, my dear. You’ve had it all along.” Keep on climbing.


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