The first week of July is a significant mark for me. I’ve spent the past month traveling, and while fun. It has been an amazing to be back home and not dress out of a suitcase for a few days now. My last adventure of June was a solo road trip north. Our first stop was Portland and then we headed to our final destination, Seattle. It was my first road trip and I wanted to be prepared. After about two hours, music and dancing in the car doesn’t keep me nearly as alert as it should, so I opted to download a few podcasts that seem to do the trick. These are my five favorites and I can’t tell you how enjoyable they made the trip.
Keep reading for our top five favorite podcasts after the jump!
1. The Goal Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher
I discovered this podcast through some other creatives. Whether talking social media, systems, or small business, I couldn’t recommend this podcast enough. Each podcast has clear and easy calls to action that you can apply to your business. More than anything, after every episode I feel that I’ve invested my time well.
If you loved the documentary or the book, you will love Freakanomics radio. The relationships and correlations of data they find, humor applied, and nature of the show. After each episode, my curiosities and my mind is heightened in the best of ways.
I love listening to these while I work. Ranging on topics from civic change to design, from wonder and dance, imagination, and innovation, TED Talks always inspire me to innovate, dream, and change the world.
I’ve loved Melyssa Griffin and her blog for years. She offers so much free content and is ridiculously generous. (If you’re a blogger or creative entrepreneur, run to her website as fast as you can.) In her podcast, she interviews her mentors, business partners, and those she has learned from over the years. Rather than practical tips, she asks about their routines, motivations, and the why behind the businesses they have built. It’s a fascinating look at the processes behind legends in this industry.
If you love This American Life and are looking for something that has fiction and story at the center, try Serial. Each episode is a snippet into a mystery, unfolding and coming to a surprising conclusion at the end of each season. It will keep you on the edge of your toes listening and anyone in your car guessing who did what.
What are some of your favorite podcasts to listen to?
We’d love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below.