Be Still

” When I am still, I sometimes can feel a gentle breeze blowing softly into my soul.” – Larry Crabb

There’s something about stillness, about silence, and finding yourself without noise and distraction. No screens to distract, no content or stories with their never ending pulls. A few nights ago, I found myself on the open road, driving alone at sunset. As the sun kissed the Sierra Nevadas, there was a simple peace and stillness that filled my car. It was sweet and a much needed balm to my heart. It took no effort, no stress, and allowed me to breathe deep in the first time for what felt like weeks. It was as if a well and deep-seated peace came and invaded my soul.

When was the last time, you found yourself content stillness? Where there was no need to fill time and space with something? With having raw clarity, contentment, and stillness. Leaning back into the fullness of who you are, in who you were created to be, and what you’re creating to make the world a better place. When was the last time you embraced stillness? This week, may you find yourself comfortable with stillness, finding well-seated truth and peace within.


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