Currently: Loving Adventure

This month has been incredible thus far. Memories have been made and adventures have happened. The views on my runs have been ever changing and make me enjoy traveling all the more. I know there are lots of people who would say travel “helps them find themself.” However, I have found quite the opposite. It seems that when I travel and encounter different people, I’m reminded and affirmed in who I already am. Currently, life looks like piles of laundry, brief moments at home in between flights, luggage, and packing, but I wouldn’t trade these moments and adventures for anything. It is in these moments that I’m reminded of who I am, where I’ve come from, and who I am becoming. All of that is a very good thing. I still have half a month left in this travel sprint and I think the best is yet to come. A bit slower pace, more time in nature, and some cherished conversations await.

What are some adventures you plan on taking soon?

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