How to Plan a Brand Photography Shoot

When it comes to life as an entrepreneur, part of your brand story is anchored by stunning images. Once you’ve crafted a message, the next step is adding the visuals to bring it to life. Apart of life on Instagram and any personal brand is adding images to your feed of yourself. What does it take to have an amazing branding shoot? How do you select the items to tell your brand story? In today’s post, we share the full details as you plan for your branding photography shoot + a full checklist to include.

Think about the details and props.

What is it that you do and the tools of the trade you use? Make sure to pack these for your photoshoot. As a designer, I make sure to pack my camera, work bag, favorite purse, phone, journal, rulers, pens, and coffee mug. If you are a chef, play with fresh ingredients, prep kitchens, and coffee cups within your photos. If you’re in the wellness industry, choose to emphasize movement, bring your equipment, and a favorite water bottle. You get the idea. Use the tools you love to add visual interest and styling options. Play with not only images of yourself, but work to include human elements within props. I love to include mood boards and loved ones within shoots as well.

Play with spaces and settings.

Branding photography should look and feel like you. Choose to shoot in your home for a more personal vibe and play with your brand colors. Find ways to incorporate them within your image. Maybe peach or red is your brand color. This can simply be incorporated through decor accents in a space or even a lip color of makeup. Use your wardrobe, makeup, and props for additional uniqueness to your images. With each shoot, I choose to go to 2-3 settings. This will add variety and visual interest. Where I live, nature is quickly abundant. For city and a stronger urban vibe, I make time to travel to a city and shoot once or twice a year. It keeps things interesting and I make sure I don’t get stuck in a visual rut.

Plan 3-4 shoots a year. Choose to book one session per season and recycle your content.

With every season, there are certain visual cues and trends to follow. I encourage those who are posting branded content regularly to book a branded photography session once every season. When recycling content, this will keep your image library fresh and result in higher engagement. These images are perfect for seasonal campaigns, offerings, and lifestyle imagery. Live in a place that lacks seasonal foliage or snow? Dress seasonally appropriate and send a similar message.

Shoot for more than one specific purpose.

When hiring photographers, I like to get the most bang for my buck. When shooting have ideas and collaborate with your photographer. This will yield the best results and give your images a greater purpose than a Facebook profile picture update. Recently, I did a shoot while here in Seattle. I chose to shoot on a typical cloudy Seattle day and layered on a long sweater, draped tee, and favorite mules. My palette was cohesive and noticeably neutral, looking toward the fall season. I love these photos and used the tips above. There’s nothing quite like an amazing shoot to boost your spirits and help you create fresh content! (This series of images will be used as I launch upcoming products this season.)

Grab the checklist below.

Set up the shot:

  • Coffee shop
  • Studio
  • Workshop
  • Home office
  • Office space
  • Kitchen
  • Interior studio
  • Home
  • Weekends (more personal space)
  • Where do you live? What are your immediate surroundings? Take time to shoot here. (When someone looks at your visuals would they have an idea where your company is located?)

Grab your props:

  • Flowers
  • Plants
  • Coffee cup
  • Camera
  • Computer
  • iPad
  • Pens
  • Favorite journal or planner
  • Phone
  • Paper
  • Office accessories
  • Work bag
  • Other tools specific to your trade

What to wear

  • Smart way to incorporate your brand colors
  • Neutral look that feels brand specific
  • Accessories to change up your look quickly
  • An outfit you would work in, is flattering, and you are confident in

Ready to own your brand?

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