Happy April 1st everyone!
As a college student, I found myself pranking others on April 1st. More than anything, I loved a day that was filled with fun, jokes, and play. It kept people slightly on edge and broke up the monotony of the work week. At one point in time, it might have even included a fish’s funeral. It was ridiculous, absurd, and all sorts of fun. Regardless of the jokes played today, one thing I’m amazed by is the passing of time this year. The winter months have felt long and endless. Yet, at the same time, I quickly am amazed. Is it time for spring, Easter, and breezy layers already? In some odd way, I always feel that when I embark on a travel season, I fly out of one season and fly back into another. While sometimes this is the literal case (this week’s trip will be no exception), it often tends to be vastly metaphorical as well.
With spring, we find a season of growth. The porch is filled with herbs and fresh plants. Our nights are spent with friends outside over the BBQ and the sweetest string lights. Days have a more relaxed place, and adventure is abundant and rich. Both in deep of those we spend time with and in the beauty of our backyard as it discovers blooms again. Weekend mornings are spent going on walks with friends, farmers markets, and taking it all in kayaking on the lake (prior to the arrival of summer).
To celebrate all things spring and a few practical jokes you might play today- grab this month’s digital downloads below!

April Calendar Desktop (Click to Download):
Desktop | iPad | iPhonex | iPhone6
JK Wallpaper (Click to Download):
Desktop | iPad | iPhonex | iPhone6
Laugh More Wallpaper (Click to Download):
Desktop | iPad | iPhonex | iPhone6