Over the years, there’s a question that I receive over and over again. It’s simple, “What does your day look like? How do you fit it all in?” Today we’re peeling back the curtain and letting you behind the scenes. Here’s what a day in the life looks like at Glisten and Grace.
Keep reading for the full post after the jump!
6:00 AM While our heads are still resting on our pillow, we’re still working. We recently made the shift back to having posts and social media go live for the blog at 6:00 PST. Our reasoning was simple. Originally being from the east coast, we hoped that our readership would migrate to looking at the blog on their lunch hour, 9:00 AM PST. This didn’t happen. In hopes of regaining some ground, we’re making strides to post everyday at 6:00 AM by automating our posts and using Hootsuite to schedule our Facebook and Twitter posts. The good news? It’s been working! Welcome back, our dear friends from the east coast.
7:00 AM Rolling out of bed and head to the gym. I try to get a good half hour to hour workout in before the day starts. This gets my heartbeat going and reduces my coffee intake. Often times I’ll listen to a podcast, catch reruns on HGTV, or listen to an audiobook to past time and keep me entertained at the gym. (I get bored super easily on cardio machines at the gym, to be super honest.)
8:00 AM Shower and get dressed for the day. I’ve shifted to a somewhat minimal wardrobe that always contains black either on the top, bottom, or both. While it’s a uniform of sorts it always looks nice, elevated, and can span errands, client meetings, or simply a day’s work.
8:30 AM Finish getting ready and head downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast is pretty quick with a bowl of scrambled egg whites (3 to be exact) and some diced chicken sausage. It’s delicious, healthy, and packs in the protein, giving me plenty of energy for the day. At this point, I’ll decide if I want to work from home for the day or work from a coffee shop. Every day is different and it keeps a bit of variety in my routine.
9:00 AM: Social media content for clients goes live. We use scheduling options, but post for Instagram in real time. At 9:00 AM, we also post Instagram content for the blog.The rest of the morning is spent responding to client emails, completing revisions, and working in batches for existing clients. Our mind is most alert at the morning and late at night, so we find this gives us the ability to work in blocks of time. It’s hard to gain ground on any project without a 3-hour block of time. We schedule our days to have 3, 3 hour blocks of time with a few active breaks between.
Noon: Time for a lunch break! Today’s lunch consisted of a quick run to Chipotle. We saved the other half for dinner, with a side of chips it’s perfect and cost effective.
1:00 PM: Depending on our energy level, we take a 30 minute nap after lunch or plow through our list of errands. Most of our high level tasks are completed by the end of the morning. Our afternoon block of time is intended to keep us moving, when we’re starting to feel a bit more tired. (This is also when eye strain or a food coma is quicking in.) Today, we’re working on styling a few tabletops, sourcing food, foraging floral, and working on a few project launches. We’re plowing through the list of tasks this week, preparing for a full fall and winter season!
4:00 PM: Finish any deadlines for the day and respond to last minute emails. We turn off our email throughout the day, keeping focus on the task at hand. Opening our email at the end of the work day, allows us to tie up any loose ends for clients and set our task list for the next day.
Golden hour: It’s shooting time. With sunrise around 5:45 in the morning, we make sure to hit golden hour during the evening. It’s a great way to finish the day. Today we’re working on shooting some styled stock photos for an upcoming launch! We can’t wait to show you these collections because they’re absolutely stunning. (Imagine the kind of stock photography you would want as a creative, blogger, and entrepreneur. We’re creating the kind of stuff we wish was on the web, but seems to be absent.)
8:00 PM: Dinner and a walk. With long days of production under our belt, we love to take a break and sit down to a delicious meal or go for a walk with a friend. It’s a great way to be social with others, finding a bit of connection, and getting away from the desk. (It can get a bit lonely working from home or remotely on a team.)
9:00 PM: As much as we hate to admit it, we absolutely work best under pressure. We spend our last few hours of the evening, making sure blog posts and content are ready to go live the next morning, and any final deadlines are submitted for the night.
10:00 PM: Say goodbye to bluelight and screens. We spend our evening with a good book, roommates, and a bit of quiet to wind down. Setting the phone on the opposite side of the room, we give our eyes a break rather than scrolling through mind numbing feeds.
Thanks for joining us behind the scenes and spending the day with us.
How do you spend your days?
We’d love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below.