Whew. Today I head on a plane and find myself completing the marathon that has been building our company this year. We’ve set goals, learned loads, and choose to keep moving forward time and time again. Maybe you’re looking to start your business and aren’t sure of the next steps. Maybe you, like me, have had an email box inundated with emails and goal setting for 2019 feels daunting at best. (You’ve been running a marathon this quarter so anything else feels nuts. We totally get it.) With this in mind, we put together this post. In it you’ll find some of our absolute favorite tips and what we’re doing around here to get ready for 2019.
Keep reading for the full post after the jump!
1. Scale, baby, scale. Start by outsourcing and thinking through the long-term.
Last year within Q4, we were able to grow our company in big ways. As we look to building on a team, we’re focusing on the things we can’t do and ways to expand our capacity as a business. Whether you’re just starting out or are years in, focus on what you’re great at and choose to delegate the rest to others.
2. Create goals that are both practical and heart focused.
It’s easy to talk business metrics, numbers, and growth. However, how do your goals point back to your purpose and core values. As you create goals and intention for your business, align them with your heart. It forces us to focus on relationships, service, and improving the lives of others. This matters far, far more than product and presents with it the opportunity to serve others in the long-term rather than simply a single sales cycle.
3. Never stop learning, growing, and choosing the right times to pivot.
2018 was a big year for us at Glisten and Grace. We launched a new site, our email list (if you aren’t on it, you can get amazing stuff by subscribing here), shop, and two signature course. More than anything, I’ve learned the grace that comes with spinning and seasonally pushing far more offerings. It has allowed me to grow in areas I’ve never thought before, build relationships with new partnerships, and stay fresh as a creative. Every year, I attempt to tackle a new skill and this year is no different. The ultimate goal: epic pipelines for every customer we serve, keeping communication and timelines fluid.
4. Look at relationships in a larger, overarching narrative.
After doing a bit of research, my goal is to expand the ways our company can strengthen both established and corporate brands with an identity foundation. While we absolutely love the small businesses and nonprofits we currently serve, this is an exciting frontier for us and something we look forward to with more corporate partnerships.
5. Batch working to thrive.
If there’s one thing that this quarter has brought to the forefront is the simple beauty of batch working. In our world and where we’re going it’s all too necessary. Because of this, we’re assigning specific tasks and projects to specific time windows. For example, Monday will be for admin tasks + client meetings, Wednesday will be for social media content, and Friday will be for blog content creation. While we’ll be working on some other projects for clients as well, we’re hoping this will bring a sacred (and much need) rhythm to it all.
6. Honor and prioritize rest.
Taking a day off a week. While I would love to say that I’ve done this consistently and well, I’m ready for one day a week where I shut off my phone and don’t open my computer. This sounds better than a trip to the spa currently which simply reminds me we all need a day off a week. (Want to know tips and strategies about working towards time off? Find a full post with hacks here.)
How are you preparing your business for 2019?
We’d love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below.